How the U.S. thinks Russians hacked the White House

WASHINGTON, BLOKBERITA -- Russian hackers behind the damaging cyber intrusion of the State Department in recent months used that perch to penetrate sensitive parts of the White House computer system, according to U.S. officials briefed on the investigation.
While the White House has said the breach only affected an unclassified system, that description belies the seriousness of the intrusion. The hackers had access to sensitive information such as real-time non-public details of the president's schedule. While such information is not classified, it is still highly sensitive and prized by foreign intelligence agencies, U.S. officials say.
The White House in October said it noticed suspicious activity in the unclassified network that serves the executive office of the president. The system has been shut down periodically to allow for security upgrades. 

The FBI, Secret Service and U.S. intelligence agencies are all involved in investigating the breach, which they consider among the most sophisticated attacks ever launched against U.S. government systems. ​The intrusion was routed through computers around the world, as hackers often do to hide their tracks, but investigators found tell-tale codes and other markers that they believe point to hackers working for the Russian government.

National Security Council spokesman Mark Stroh didn't confirm the Russian hack, but he did say that " any such activity is something we take very seriously."
" In this case, as we made clear at the time, we took immediate measures to evaluate and mitigate the activity," he said. "As has been our position, we are not going to comment on [this] article's attribution to specific actors."
Neither the U.S. State Department nor the Russian Embassy immediately responded to a request for comment.

Ben Rhodes, President Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser, said the White House's use of a separate system for classified information protected sensitive national security-related items from being obtained by hackers.
" We do not believe that our classified systems were compromised," Rhodes told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday.
" We're constantly updating our security measures on our unclassified system, but we're frankly told to act as if we need not put information that's sensitive on that system," he said. "In other words, if you're going to do something classified, you have to do it on one email system, one phone system. Frankly, you have to act as if information could be compromised if it's not on the classified system."
To get to the White House, the hackers first broke into the State Department, investigators believe.
The State Department computer system has been bedeviled by signs that despite efforts to lock them out, the Russian hackers have been able to reenter the system. One official says the Russian hackers have "owned" the State Department system for months and it is not clear the hackers have been fully eradicated from the system.

As in many hacks, investigators believe the White House intrusion began with a phishing email that was launched using a State Department email account that the hackers had taken over, according to the U.S. officials.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, in a speech at an FBI cyberconference in January, warned government officials and private businesses to teach employees what "spear phishing" looks like.
" So many times, the Chinese and others get access to our systems just by pretending to be someone else and then asking for access, and someone gives it to them," Clapper said.
The ferocity of the Russian intrusions in recent months caught U.S. officials by surprise, leading to a reassessment of the cybersecurity threat as the U.S. and Russia increasingly confront each other over issues ranging from the Russian aggression in Ukraine to the U.S. military operations in Syria.
The attacks on the State and White House systems is one reason why Clapper told a Senate hearing in February that the "Russian cyberthreat is more severe than we have previously assessed."

The revelations about the State Department hacks also come amid controversy over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server to conduct government business during her time in office. Critics say her private server likely was even less safe than the State system. The Russian breach is believed to have come after Clinton departed State.
But hackers have long made Clinton and her associates targets.

The website The Smoking Gun first reported in 2013 that a hacker known as Guccifer had broken into the AOL email of Sidney Blumenthal, a friend and advisor to the Clintons, and published emails Blumenthal sent to Hillary Clinton's private account. The emails included sensitive memos on foreign policy issues and were the first public revelation of the existence of Hillary Clinton's private email address​ now at the center of controversy: The address is no longer in use. 

Obama: Sanction Againts Hackers
President Barack Obama announced an executive action Wednesday that allows the Treasury Department to impose financially punitive sanctions against cyber hackers who impose a significant threat to national security.
"This Executive Order authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, to impose sanctions on individuals or entities that engage in malicious cyber-enabled activities that create a significant threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economic health or financial stability of the United States," Obama said In a statement announcing Wednesday's executive order.
The action comes after November's cyberattack on Sony Pictures that the FBI pinned on North Korea. At the time Obama said that private companies bowing to intimidation from cyberhackers would set a problematic precedent and he questioned Sony's decision to pull its movie "The Interview."
In January the White House leveled financial sanctions against officials within the North Korean government as part of what Obama called a "proportional response" to the Sony hacking.
In a call with reporters White House Cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel said the process of crafting these sanctions highlighted the need for more direct authority to target individuals engaged in cyber attacks.
"This allows us to have an executive order that focuses directly on the activities of concern whether they arise in North Korea or another jurisdiction," Daniel said. "Obviously cyber incidents tend to flow very easily across international boundaries, so trying to tie that to a particular location just didn't make sense."
Instead of seeking individual sanctions programs against specific countries, this executive action allows the U.S. to target sanctions based on the specific malicious activity itself and the individuals involved.
Obama cited recent threats from a variety of sources that have targeted government infrastructure, private companies and citizens in a statement Wednesday.
However, Daniel told reporters that the U.S. has no new sanctions to announce at this time. The new framework will allow for a robust process in dealing with emergent threats in the future.
"We will use this tool in a targeted and coordinated way against the worst of the worst, the most serious overseas malicious actors," Daniel said.
In a statement Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew added that the order allows for the department "to expose and financially isolate those who hide in the shadows of the Internet."
Lew was also cognizant of privacy concerns that can arise when it comes to cyber security, saying the Treasury Department will "use this authority carefully and judiciously against the most serious cyber-threats to protect our nation's critical infrastructure."
Along with the ability to use sanctions, Obama said his administration will also make use of existing authorities including diplomatic engagement, trade policy tools, and law enforcement mechanisms in countering threats.
Republicans have been critical of the President's executive orders and Wednesday's announcement drew a rebuke from House Speaker Boehner's office.
"These executive actions can only do so much," Press Secretary Cory Fritz told CNN. "The president needs to work with Republicans to enact the types of common-sense measures that passed the House in recent years with strong, bipartisan majorities but stalled in the Democratic-controlled Senate."
White House officials told reporters that the drafting of this order included consultations with Congress and that the administration welcomes legislation that enhances cyber security and information sharing. 

[ cnn / bbcom / hill ] 


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