Government to issue economic package in response to economic slowdown

BLOKBERITA -- The Indonesian government, in the near future, will issue an economic policy package to respond to the current economic slowdown.

" The president has ordered a major economic policy package that should be ready to be implemented by next week. The policies will address issues in the real estate sector, the economy, deregulation, the creation of new policies, and tax holidays. The finance minister will explain about it at noon," Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution stated at the presidential palace complex, here on Thursday.

The new economic policy package will be issued in response to the current economic problems.

"The objective is to facilitate economic activities and to encourage the inflow of investment. We need that now," Nasution noted.

In the meantime, following a meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Said Agil Siraj remarked that the head of state had urged the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia to help solve the problems being faced by the nation.

"The president has urged me to help reduce anxiety and panic among the public as it is time for a global change. Remain optimistic as the government is doing its best. Hopefully, the condition will soon become better," Siraj affirmed.

Chairman of the NU's advisory council, Maaruf Amin, pointed out that the current economic condition is indeed a matter of concern.

"(The NU) will work along with the government and the state to tackle various problems being faced by the nation," Amin stated after meeting Jokowi.

Earlier, Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said he was more concerned about the global economic uncertainty than the economic slowdown.

"Is there a global economic slowdown? Yes, there is, but for me, it is not the one that worries me. What needs our attention is the global economic uncertainty that would weigh on many countries, including Indonesia," the minister emphasized here on Thursday.

He added that the government and the business community should be responsive to the dynamic global economic condition. (bazz/ant)


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