Trump has no sensitiveness to Jerusalem issue: MUI

BLOKBERITA -- The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) said that US President Donald Trump`s move to support Jerusalem as Israel's capital shows that he has no sensitiveness to the feeling of Muslims worldwide.

"The move reflects Trump lack of sensitiveness to the feeling of Muslims," MUI Deputy Chairman, Zainut Saadi, stated here on Thursday.

He noted that Trump's plan to relocate the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will heighten tension in the Gulf and disrupt tranquility and stability in the Middle East, in particular, and the world, in general.

He added that the plan will anger Muslims worldwide. Instead of contributing to a peace solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, the move will trigger fanaticism and violence, putting Israel-Palestine peace process on the line.

"The move will no doubt prolong the sufferings of Palestinians as they will lose certainty about their independence," he remarked.

He revealed that Trump's move runs counter to the UN Resolution 2334, requiring Israel to stop all resettlement activities in East Jerusalem, including relocating its capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Hence, the US should reject Israel's plan instead of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel`s capital.

MUI supports the Indonesian government?s steps to help Palestinians gain their independence and to create peace through a two-state solution.

The solution covers the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the borderline before the 1967 War, comprising West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem to live side-by-side with Israel.

MUI also appeals to the Indonesian government to lobby Muslim countries to press the US to abandon its plan and to urge the UN to impose stern sanctions on Israel and the US for its blatant violation of the UN resolution. (bhd/antara)



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